Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
153281-153300 of all 180,448 gems.
153,2723,074sluggable_ryanabVery simple gem for slugging URLs
153,2723,074leinchat app
153,2723,074itjobstackgem to handle itjobstack api with your website
153,2723,074dry_grapesDryGrapes is a Sass based mixins library
153,2723,074fuzzy_ioInterface to the REST API
153,2723,074calbeeA simple vCard generate tool
153,2723,074payu_paymentsPayulatam payments gatewat API gem
153,2723,074yamaliciousLoad configuration from YAML files and base64 encoded YAML environment variables into a...
153,2723,074volt-webixVolt component providing reactive wrapper for Webix Javascript library.
153,2723,074rbfam_bridgeA bridge for the Rbfam gem that allows the sequences from Rbfam to be converted to Wrna...
153,2723,074capistrano3-asg-amiCapistrano 3 plugin for updating AWS Launch Template AMI with autoscale group first hea...
153,2723,074zolaZola is an encryption engine for encrypting, decrypting, and cracking messages.
153,2723,074macrosMacros for Ruby
153,2723,074parallaximage-railsParallax Hero Image for rails
153,2723,074forem-legionTheme legion for forem.
153,2723,074rails_ui_exampleDescription of RailsUiExample.
153,2723,074master_mindThe mastermind game is a game of analysis and guesses. The idea is to guess the colors ...
153,2723,074safe_depositA server for shared environmental variables.
153,2723,074rack-dynamic-reverse-proxyA Dynamic Reverse Proxy for Rack
153,3003,073Creizer-MeliThis is the official Ruby SDK for the MercadoLibre Marketplace platform.