Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
153241-153260 of all 180,402 gems.
153,2193,071origen_nexusThis plugin provides an Origen API to use the Nexus interface.
153,2423,070rails_google_fontsRails Google Fonts is a gem/wrapper to ease the use of Google Fonts with your Rails app
153,2423,070turegexRegular expressions for Turkish characters
153,2423,070plopA low-latency multi-process Redis-backed worker queue.
153,2423,070logstash-codec-cloudtrail-spkThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
153,2423,070ioriConfigure rails config easily.
153,2423,070rack-dynamic-reverse-proxyA Dynamic Reverse Proxy for Rack
153,2423,070bt-toolsCollection of tools for provisioning, managing, and automating BitTorrent seedboxes.
153,2423,070sluggable_ryanabVery simple gem for slugging URLs
153,2423,070leinchat app
153,2423,070itjobstackgem to handle itjobstack api with your website
153,2423,070fuzzy_ioInterface to the REST API
153,2423,070active_material_iconActiveMaterialIcon is an additional menu icon for active_material
153,2423,070cocoalocalizeA Cocoa (OSX) automatic localizer for MainMenu
153,2423,070dry_grapesDryGrapes is a Sass based mixins library
153,2423,070capistrano3-asg-amiCapistrano 3 plugin for updating AWS Launch Template AMI with autoscale group first hea...
153,2423,070macrosMacros for Ruby
153,2423,070kevinquesGem that manages questions in my 4th year cloud project.
153,2423,070ciscospark-rubyA REST API Toolkit for Cisco Spark
153,2423,070hola_tutorial2Una hola mundo para el tutorial de creacion gemas en ruby