Total Downloads Ranking

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153261-153280 of all 180,404 gems.
153,2593,068plopA low-latency multi-process Redis-backed worker queue.
153,2593,068logstash-codec-cloudtrail-spkThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
153,2593,068turegexRegular expressions for Turkish characters
153,2593,068rack-dynamic-reverse-proxyA Dynamic Reverse Proxy for Rack
153,2593,068hola_sirishA simple hello world gem
153,2593,068volt-webixVolt component providing reactive wrapper for Webix Javascript library.
153,2593,068sluggable_ryanabVery simple gem for slugging URLs
153,2593,068leinchat app
153,2593,068itjobstackgem to handle itjobstack api with your website
153,2593,068fuzzy_ioInterface to the REST API
153,2593,068calbeeA simple vCard generate tool
153,2593,068japan_shipping_csvExport orders to Japan Shipping Carrier compatible CSV.
153,2593,068rails_google_fontsRails Google Fonts is a gem/wrapper to ease the use of Google Fonts with your Rails app
153,2593,068minesweeper-coreThis gem defines the core classes of a minesweeper game such as Minefield, Cell, and Mine.
153,2593,068danger-l10nlintA Danger plugin for linting Localizable.strings with L10nLint.
153,2593,068git_ridChange every main branch to the name of your choice instead of master (default is main)
153,2593,068hola_tutorial2Una hola mundo para el tutorial de creacion gemas en ruby
153,2593,068macrosMacros for Ruby
153,2593,068parallaximage-railsParallax Hero Image for rails
153,2593,068origen_nexusThis plugin provides an Origen API to use the Nexus interface.