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154421-154440 of all 180,404 gems.
154,4173,006logstash-filter-bytes2humanThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
154,4173,006rails_info_diagramsabout dependencies or model through #Rails web interface.
154,4173,006idbus_apiEasily use Ruby or the command line to find information from the iDBUS API.
154,4173,006readme_specEvaluate ruby code in your
154,4173,006ruboty-sanfrecceSanfrecce Game Schedule
154,4173,006refile-gridfsGridfs backend for Refile
154,4173,006embulk-parser-xpathXPath parser plugin is Embulk plugin to fetch entries in xml format use XPath.
154,4173,006tabajara_calculatorEssa gem soma nĂºmeros legais.
154,4173,006cangjieCangjie invented Chinese characters. I invite him to help us recognize Chinese to RubyG...
154,4173,006lita-capistrano_railsA Lita handler to integrate with Capistrano for rails project
154,4173,006gem_for_gameA gem for game, about own pet!
154,4173,006reenrbRenames or deletes a pattern of files using your favorite editor
154,4173,006rack-session-memcachedRack::Session::Memcached provides cookie based session stored in memcached. It depends ...
154,4343,005simple_json_api-railsSimpleJsonApi configuration for Rails apps
154,4343,005crumpleA gem that throws away unwanted files, but keeps them for future use.
154,4343,005rfidiotRFID + IoT.
154,4343,005NumGenGenerates a random unique number
154,4343,005ruby-gallery3ruby based gallery3 client library gem
154,4343,005hola_z15026hyA simple hello world gem
154,4343,005funny_yubikey_generatorGenerate funny looking yubikey OTP containing words based on a dictionary.