Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
154461-154480 of all 180,488 gems.
154,4473,015rack-session-memcachedRack::Session::Memcached provides cookie based session stored in memcached. It depends ...
154,4623,014data-confirm-bourbonThis gem overrides Rails' UJS behaviour to open up a Bourbon Refill modal component ins...
154,4623,014magic-reportAn easy way to export data to CSV
154,4623,014crumpleA gem that throws away unwanted files, but keeps them for future use.
154,4623,014hola_e1501taA simple hello aiit gem
154,4623,014horseradishA hot gem
154,4623,014rps_yscchoose 1,2,3 to decide which one wins, RPS game
154,4623,014db-loggerwrites log to db and log file and exposes it via routes
154,4623,014ruby-gallery3ruby based gallery3 client library gem
154,4623,014cbr_ratesFetches currency rates from
154,4623,014j1m_appJ1 APP Module is a gem-based module for J1 Template to manage external application as i...
154,4623,014sayonarasayonara is a print sayonara
154,4623,014simple_json_api-railsSimpleJsonApi configuration for Rails apps
154,4623,014sk_hand_dryerSechez vos mains du terminale!
154,4623,014web-gemThis is a simple web filtering gem that is easy to use. Note that you must feel comfort...
154,4623,014fluentd-plugin-aliyun-odpsAliyun ODPS output plugin for Fluentd event collector
154,4623,014esableelasticsearch test gem
154,4803,013distribution-api-clientProgrammatic API to access Wizypay's Distribution API.