Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
157601-157620 of all 180,418 gems.
157,5982,730rails_middleware_logPrint Log for request when every middleware start in Rails. You can set which request t...
157,5982,730gbspellerConsole Yandex API spellchecker
157,5982,730sentry-redditParses messages for reddit links then replies with information about the link
157,5982,730gitloc-derreckmansheimExample project for CodePlatoon, see -- gives li...
157,5982,730docker-eb-deployTag the Git repo for Docker Hub to build the image for Elastic Beanstalk
157,6062,729jekyll-theme-wallpaper-homeA simple jekyll theme for a personal page.
157,6062,729blix-restRack based framework focused on building JSON REST web services. Concentrates on making...
157,6062,729argshelperA simple command line argument helper
157,6062,729redis_to_s3Dump keys from Redis based an pattern from util config file and upload dump to S3
157,6062,729grepme-commonCommon funcs for grepme
157,6062,729annoymehelpfully annoys you on your command line
157,6062,729percLightweight application framework for building things that are not necessarily #railsth...
157,6142,728geo_settingsRestrict orders to local area for spree.
157,6142,728boltonA gem for parsing JSON APIs into Ruby Objects
157,6142,728componentpartyPlease check
157,6142,728simplemerchantRuby wrapper for the Simple Merchant API
157,6142,728omniauth-leaddynoLeadDyno strategy for OmniAuth.
157,6142,728cosimoAn MVC framework designed for Pure-Ruby, Asynchronous Microservices
157,6142,728uber-estimatesSmall wraper for Uber API estimations endpoints