Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
158261-158280 of all 180,661 gems.
158,2522,684google-cloud-beyond_corp-client_gateways-v1Beyondcorp Enterprise provides identity and context aware access controls for enterpris...
158,2522,684mount_pointAn (extremely) simple gem for creating JS component mount points.
158,2522,684railsbytesCLI to apply Railsbytes templates to your Rails application
158,2522,684mythemeWrite a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.
158,2522,684dmatrixDocker matrix runner with parallel execution
158,2522,684food2forkA Ruby gem for accessing the Food2Fork api
158,2672,683BlikstickSquareCommand line client for the Blikstick Square
158,2672,683watir-rackUse Watir ( in Rack.
158,2692,682docrb-htmlDocrb's HTML Generator
158,2692,682call-center-apiCall and get call info
158,2692,682swanHelps automate synchronization of common files between projects
158,2692,682olyaIt is likely this will not be used, as the microservices archite...
158,2692,682null_cache_storeA backport of ActiveSupport::Cache::NullStore for Rails < 3.2
158,2692,682zyraGem for seeding data in the database
158,2692,682rabbit-slide-kenhys-tokyodebian-oss-gate-onboarding-202111Tokyo Debian OSS Gate onboarding 202111
158,2692,682datadog-cliManage your datadog monitors.
158,2692,682google-cloud-beyond_corp-app_connections-v1Beyondcorp Enterprise provides identity and context aware access controls for enterpris...
158,2782,681amazonparserAmazon item lookup parser powered by Vacuum
158,2782,681Badger_Mushroom_Snake_View_ToolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
158,2782,681chainedLet map &chained.first.second.last possible!