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160181-160200 of all 182,419 gems.
160,1772,660lab419_streamsImplemention of streams in the classic sense where a stream is a head and a promise to ...
160,1772,660sanitize_html_fieldsThis is a tiny gem that sanitizes html when a record is saved.
160,1772,660data_validationA ruby interface over the DataValidation service.
160,1772,660erdfGenerate good looking Entity-Relationship-Diagrams from text files or a PostgreSQL data...
160,1772,660kansuGem for log into redis that logstash can read
160,1862,659axtreme_view_toolProvides generated HTML data fir rails applications
160,1862,659logstash-output-torqueboxThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
160,1862,659first_gem_robA simple hello world gem for Ruby
160,1862,659PORTLA plain Ruby templating language for Rails.
160,1862,659fluent-plugin-port_to_serviceFilter plugin to include TCP/UDP services.
160,1862,659movie_seekerIt pulls the latest and upcoming box office movies
160,1932,658draco-scenesSwitchable scenes plugin for the Draco ECS library
160,1932,658gcaptchaA gem to generate captcha pictures.
160,1932,658hyperwalletPlaceholder gems for hyperwallet
160,1932,658ranunculusAnother Web crawler running with Amazon SQS and ElastiCache(Redis)
160,1932,658attr_formattrAttrFormattr is a Rails ActionController mixin that provides formatting for attribute p...
160,1932,658ru_exchangeGet current exchange rate of russian rubles and ukrainian chryvnas
160,1932,658qq_connIt is a simple way to connect to QQ Connect
160,1932,658cell-i18ni18n library inspired in Trailblazer's Cell