Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
160201-160220 of all 180,488 gems.
160,1862,506easy_divideYou can calculate/display the percentage with a simple method
160,1862,506zomato2Client library for Zomato API 2.1
160,1862,506archimate-diffA collection of tools to diff and merge ArchiMate files
160,2042,505alimento0100997910Gema para calcular el indice calorico de un alimento
160,2042,505nummerplade-rubyFind information about Danish vehicles
160,2042,505zombie_fansGithub Zombie Fans to follow, star and many more.
160,2042,505eventmakerCLI to create .ics files on the fly
160,2042,505logical_lambdaSee github page for more info.
160,2042,505bonzi_view_tool"I use html, java, and rails"
160,2042,505byebug-cleanerRemove byebug tag before push your code in repos.
160,2042,505validate_cnpjValidates Cnpj
160,2042,505rails-uikit-sassThis provides UIkit (SASS) as a rails gem
160,2042,505octocore-mongoOctocore is the core framework of Octomatic Enterprise. It contains all the core models...
160,2042,505wideactIf you need a realtime way to communicate with another application, even if in another ...
160,2042,505allocation_samplerA sampling allocation profiler. This keeps track of allocations, but only on specified...
160,2042,505firebase-railsUse Firebase for your Ruby on Rails applications.
160,2042,505omnipassAuthentication done well
160,2042,505guardyChained conditional guards
160,2042,505carrierwave-ucloudUCloud Storage support for CarrierWave
160,2202,504rubocop-ruby3_2Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 3.2 code