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166081-166100 of all 180,434 gems.
166,0792,166open_rpgUnder Construction.
166,0792,166vaasSimple gem to get the verdict of files from G Data
166,0792,166spartaSparta provides rails helpers to add structured data (JSON-LD) on your views. It will f...
166,0792,166operators-either-serviceService is based on Dry::Monads
166,0792,166power-ageA handy little age calculation class
166,0792,166test_gem2_dhtest gem Only HelloWorld
166,0792,166peterson_view_toolHTML data for Rails applications.
166,0792,166seeitWrite a short summary, because RubyGems requires one.
166,0792,166appoptics_apm_mnfstAutomatic tracing and metrics for Ruby applications. Get started at @App...
166,0912,165where-is-railsBuilds an Arel where using standard syntax
166,0912,165dracoonDracoon is a language and compiler to write interactive fiction books.
166,0912,165mdown2pdfEasily convert Markdown documents to PDF files.
166,0912,165hola_jsA simple hello world gem
166,0912,165simplejson2csvUse a given JSON and fields names to generate a CSV.
166,0912,165serious_businessSecure your app by using our structured data model to specify the data flow between vie...
166,0912,165demo_test_telstra_rubyThe Telstra SMS Messaging API allows your applications to send and receive SMS text mes...
166,0912,165rubyneat_rabbitmqTo allow RubyNEAT to extend the phenotypes and evaluations in a distributed and langu...
166,0912,165suffix_tree_rubyConstruct Generalized Suffix tree using Ukkonen's algorithm
166,0912,165enum_translateTranslate ActiveRecord::Enum attributes. It extends ActiveRecord methods like ActiveMod...