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167481-167500 of all 180,616 gems.
167,4782,101tantrumTantrum is a commandline tool that creates Github issues, using pull requests you feed ...
167,4782,101awesome_typeThe implementation of some types with Ruby.
167,4782,101talkghTalkgh Client Library for Ruby
167,4782,101stock_inquiryProvides information on stocks
167,4782,101nsq-ruby-fastlyRuby client library for NSQ
167,4782,101migrator_webA web interface for Rails Migrator.
167,4782,101rails_contributor_gendersAnalyze the genders of names of Rails contributors
167,4782,101gcen-clientGCEN API: Generic Investment API 0.1.1
167,4782,101basic_address_fieldsWrite a longer description or delete this line.
167,4782,101nanoc-checking-checks-vnuA nanoc check for validating HTML, CSS, and SVG files with the v.Nu validator.
167,4922,100epogue_palindromePalindrome detector courtesy of Learn Enough Ruby
167,4922,100binance_rubya simple wrapper for binance api in ruby
167,4922,100dingtalk-notifierA slim ruby wrapper for posting to DingTalk webhooks
167,4922,100interphaseA powerful, easy-to-use, native-looking GUI library
167,4922,100reagentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
167,4922,100gemmy_gemWill cause the terminal to say 'Matt' when run
167,4922,100tenantRy's secret work in progress app.