Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
167501-167520 of all 180,629 gems.
167,4882,101gcen-clientGCEN API: Generic Investment API 0.1.1
167,4882,101nanoc-checking-checks-vnuA nanoc check for validating HTML, CSS, and SVG files with the v.Nu validator.
167,4882,101weakest_linkChain multiple methods together safely without having to repeat the safe navigation ope...
167,5052,100hako-codebuildHako script to retrieve a latest commit from AWS CodeBuild as a image tag
167,5052,100avatarizeCreate nice avatars from your user's initial
167,5052,100capistrano-rustRustup/Rustc/Cargo support for Capistrano 3.x
167,5052,100interphaseA powerful, easy-to-use, native-looking GUI library
167,5052,100reagentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
167,5052,100gemmy_gemWill cause the terminal to say 'Matt' when run
167,5052,100tenantRy's secret work in progress app.
167,5052,100qprofquick and dirty ruby flamegraphs
167,5052,100tilt-emacs_orgNative Emacs Org templating engine for Tilt.
167,5052,100cover_rageA Ruby production code coverage tool designed to assist you in identifying unused code,...
167,5052,100money-exerciseConvert different currencies plus aritmethical manipulation
167,5052,100zoteroProvide easy Ruby access to Zotero, for e.g. generating online bibliographies and readi...
167,5052,100pract11Practica sobre el Desarrollo Dirigido por Pruebas para la clase Alimento.
167,5052,100rkt_launchTools for creating rkt pods.