Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
167521-167540 of all 180,709 gems.
167,5072,111omniauth-spiffy-oauth2Spiffy Stores strategy for OmniAuth
167,5072,111hello_hogereturn your name
167,5232,110rubylet-rack-handlerRack::Handler using rubylet-rack and Jetty or Tomcat
167,5232,110elasticsearch-shopify-clientThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
167,5232,110youcanbookme-api-rubyYouCanBook.Me API Wrapper
167,5232,110birdmongerTwitterServer-based Rack handler
167,5232,110sort-tablesort-table is the best for can easily sort table data.
167,5232,110Quintero_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
167,5232,110LayoutEditorThis package is a wrapper around [LayoutScript]( for Rudy. It ...
167,5232,110number_muncherTiny ruby library for dealing with fractions.
167,5232,110visibleVisible enables provider agnostic communication for SMS, Email and Voice calls. Social ...
167,5232,110PGA_Tour_ReaderPGATourReader scrapes information from the PGATour website and loads the information in...
167,5232,110sepastian-mongoid-paranoia-rails4Mongoid fork with support for Rails 4, for gem development. When releasing a gem, the g...
167,5232,110fluent-plugin-cwm-httpfluentd HTTP Input Plugin for CloudWebManage Logging Component with Log Metrics Support
167,5232,110is_dockerCheck if ruby is running inside docker
167,5232,110artsciiPrints out simple ascii art figures.
167,5232,110ed25519_blake2bRuby library for ed25519, but with blake2b as the hashing function as required by the N...
167,5392,109time_shiftIn active development
167,5392,109feldsparfunctional ruby