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Most downloads over all time
171241-171260 of all 182,433 gems.
171,2271,990devcamp_view_tool_testerProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
171,2421,989m0x_qrGem to generate QR code from text
171,2421,989rachel_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
171,2421,989programmer_jokeIf you are a programmer and also like bad jokes this is the gem you were looking for
171,2421,989hiera-eyaml-sshagentSSH_AUTH_SOCK encryptor for use with hiera-eyaml
171,2421,989yaml_pathA tool to modify YAML tree
171,2421,989dsadA simple hello world gem
171,2421,989distance_gemCalculates the distance in miles between two latitude,longitude objects
171,2421,989nuri_game-online-proxyUtility module that implement a proxy system to allow online interactions between players
171,2421,989minidiscMini service discovery
171,2421,989redis-adequate_rate_limiterUses a Lua script for Redis to provide smooth, configurable, space-efficient & blazing ...
171,2421,989with_publicAdds Module#with_public to make private instance methods temporarily public.
171,2421,989absmartlyA/b testing gem
171,2541,988visiocopLibrary for quick testing UI part of your app.
171,2541,988wisper-rspec-compatRspec matchers and stubbing for Wisper-Compat
171,2541,988cure-odf-reportGenerates ODF files, given a template (.odt) and data, replacing tags
171,2541,988moiraMake ActiveRecord Validation easier to share as Schema
171,2541,988math_taskerGem for solving some math tasks
171,2541,988namusyakatesting, testing, testing
171,2541,988reference_validatorA gem to validate product references, such as EAN.