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Most downloads over all time
171221-171240 of all 182,433 gems.
171,2191,991superleggeraMonitor your CSS in development to create a whitelist for PurgeCSS in Rails with Webpacker
171,2191,991dc-kwalifyKwalify is a parser, schema validator, and data binding tool for YAML and JSON.
171,2191,991lex-loggerUsed to write logs in an eventful way
171,2191,991enum-transitionActive Record ENUM based state machine, whether you can restrict status transition from...
171,2191,991speed_limiterLimit the frequency of execution across multiple threads and processes
171,2191,991sf_cliA class library for introducing Salesforce CLI to Ruby scripting. Currenty only sf comm...
171,2271,990hot_garbageThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
171,2271,990interactive-rakeEnhance your rake tasks!
171,2271,990talented_toolsA simple hello world gem
171,2271,990meaning_of_lifeThis useless gem is just part of a tutorial. It mainly tells you the meaning of life.
171,2271,990nubank_clientThis is an unofficial client for the undocumented Nubank API. Consider this to be very ...
171,2271,990kvkuhr_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby to be Dangerous, following the guide
171,2271,990iexcloudWrapper for the IEX Cloud API.
171,2271,990brvsClient library for Brvs, an open source URL shortener and branded link management appli...
171,2271,990sams_tic_tac_toeSimple, command line tic tac toe game
171,2271,990ng_banksGrant access to details of all banks in NIGERIA
171,2271,990codebreaker_RG-bastareGame `Codebreaker`
171,2271,990validates_countrycodeThe purpose of this gem is to validate countrycodes in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format
171,2271,990proleProle is actor pool pattern implementation. Use it instead of repetitive threads spawn.