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171281-171300 of all 180,599 gems.
171,2761,833pomodorokunit support pomodoro technique (e.g. timer, alert, etc.)
171,2761,833bsearch20This is an upgraded version of the excelent bsearch gem by Satoru Takabayashi. Tailored...
171,2761,833avant_utilsCódigos Ruby reutilizados em projetos da Avant
171,2761,833flickr_collagerCollage Builder
171,2761,833lab42_kakKakoune scripting is very flexible but needs to be triggered by the shell, quite intere...
171,2761,833mathjax-rails-3This gem maintains MathJax at a system-wide directory.
171,2761,833scikit-learnscikit-learn wrapper for Ruby
171,2761,833pattysporosReplaces rails controller actions with good ol' plain Ruby objects.
171,2761,833pygmy-traefikTo fully and easy run a local Drupal development system you need more then just a docke...
171,2901,832finieSimple CLI that connects to Twilio to give command notifications
171,2901,832mcu-realityThe Reality Stone is a liquid known as the Aether. It is known to be able to convert ma...
171,2901,832gitlab-secret_detectionThe gitlab-secret_detection gem accepts one or more git blobs, matches them against a d...
171,2901,832omniauth-xenoOmniAuth strategy for Xeno.
171,2901,832surf-calabashcalabash-android + calabash-cucumber with x-platform implementation and console which w...
171,2961,831railwindRailwind is a customizable ViewComponent UI library that leverages the po...
171,2961,831tennyzvaitas_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
171,2961,831erb-processorAll .erb files in the specified directory tree are going to be evaluated. The correspon...
171,2961,831virtuadeployThis gem offers a CLI to easily manage deployments and storage of releases
171,2961,831fluent-plugin-sentry-exFluentd output plugin that sends aggregated errors/exception events to Sentry. Sentry i...