Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
171161-171180 of all 182,433 gems.
171,1571,995princeton_standard_librariesSimple jruby wrapper around the original java lib
171,1571,995mendes_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
171,1571,995it_is_meThis gem extends the Knock gem and also manages the CRUD of the users
171,1571,995first_about_us_gemfirst_about_us_gem is the best
171,1571,995gspecAdd a rake task to quickly generate rspec files
171,1571,995nonono_sender-httpNononoSender for HTTP
171,1571,995carin_for_blue_button_test_kitCARIN IG for Blue ButtonĀ® Test Kit
171,1571,995stockcli_appRefer to
171,1571,995ruby-amassA Ruby interface to amass, an in-depth Attack Surface Mapping and Asset Discovery tool.
171,1571,995logicwareCollection of features to share between rails and ruby repositories.
171,1571,995reattemptEnumerable APIs for retries and exponential backoff with jitter
171,1571,995ez_validateThis is a simple validation gem
171,1571,995nafi_devcamp_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
171,1571,995pbtProperty-Based Testing tool for Ruby, utilizing Ractor for parallelizing test cases.
171,1571,995moneyRAvenidaTest avenida
171,1761,994licence-acceptanceLicense Acceptance Gem Longer
171,1761,994hola-akashshindeA simple hello world gem
171,1761,994instag-postThis post move into instagram.
171,1761,994gemitaMuch longer explanation of the example!