Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
171261-171280 of all 180,689 gems.
171,2541,845rabbit-slide-unasuke-rejectkaigi2019RejectKaigi 2019
171,2541,845sponge_mockmAkiNg iT eAsiEr tO SpoNgEmOcK
171,2541,845pokemon_lookupClassroom example of a wrapper gem. Using OOP to wrap the PokéAPI at
171,2641,844easy_talkGenerate json-schema from plain Ruby classes.
171,2641,844mcu-powerThe Power Stone bestows upon its holder a lot of energy—the sort of energy that you cou...
171,2641,844gem_sample_rogeriolaguilarA simple hello world gem
171,2641,844conllWrite a longer description or delete this line.
171,2641,844faraday-oauth1Faraday OAuth1 Middleware.
171,2641,844fluent-plugin-nginx-nap-decodeDecode the base64 values that are included on the NAP logs
171,2641,844brasilapiAcesso programático de informações é algo fundamental na comunicação entre sistemas, ma...
171,2641,844ofx_brA simple OFX (Open Financial Exchange) parser built on top of Nokogiri. Currently s...
171,2721,843moderate_paramsA tool for migrating Rails applications to Strong Parameters.
171,2721,843chatrix-botA Ruby chatbot for Matrix with plugin support
171,2721,843sdl2-win93Ruby/SDL2 is an extension library to use SDL 2.x (Simple DirectMedia Layer). SDL 2....
171,2721,843sparkpost_rails_euDelivery Method for Rails ActionMailer to send emails using the SparkPost API
171,2721,843jekyll-theme-warpcoreWarpcore is a Jekyll theme for Github Pages.
171,2721,843bespin-connectThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
171,2721,843unshorterThe library for expanding short urls provided by url shortening services
171,2721,843ros_sdkAuthenticate and connect to remote services via REST
171,2721,843define_methodsDefines multiple methods with common behavior.