Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
175101-175120 of all 180,681 gems.
175,0961,135tiny_etaa quick way to get a human-friendly ETA for a task
175,1021,134px_github_changelog_generatorChangelog generation has never been so easy. Fully automate changelog generation - this...
175,1021,134avivjfrog-test1This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
175,1041,133super_parserWrapper for SUPERPARSER API.
175,1041,133hiambonA first create gem
175,1041,133rbs_configA RBS files generator for Config gem
175,1071,132jekyll-sqliteA Jekyll plugin that lets you use SQLite database instead of data files as a data source.
175,1071,132cbor-dcborcbor-dcbor implements "dCBOR" encoding for CBOR, RFC 8949
175,1071,132fluent-plugin-fortigate-logs-parserParser for Fortigate logs.
175,1101,131omniauth-himariOmniAuth strategy to act as OIDC RP and use [Himari]( f...
175,1101,131policy_checkDSL for policy definitions and allows get reasons for policy violations.
175,1121,130mnemorandomUse various corpora to generate random mnemonic names for things.
175,1121,130rails-composeAutomatically setup Rails environments using Docker-Compose with Docker or Podman
175,1121,130moesif_aws_lambdaMoesif aws lambda middleware for Ruby to log API calls to Moesif API analytics and moni...
175,1121,130google-cloud-kms-inventorygoogle-cloud-kms-inventory is the official client library for the KMS Inventory API.
175,1161,129xlsx2mysqlA gem for inserting data to mysql from Excel(xlsx)
175,1161,129google-cloud-advisory_notificationsAn API for accessing Advisory Notifications in Google Cloud.
175,1161,129bubbler_rubyGem to integrate with ruby applications. It will send coverage data from SimpleCov to b...
175,1191,128similarweb_rapidapiIntegrating with the SimilarWeb API becomes fast and convenient, enabling Ruby programm...
175,1191,128rolemodel_sowerA Ruby gem to simplify Seed data creation for Rails applications.