Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181541-181560 of all 182,139 gems.
181,538245sequel-hexspaceThis is a hexspace adapter for Sequel, designed to be used with Spark (not Hive). You c...
181,538245gristUse this gem to interact with the a Grist API from your Ruby application.
181,543244giasA Ruby gem that provides an interface to the Get Information About Schools (GIAS) CSV d...
181,543244fridaFrida Ruby bindings.
181,543244boring-serviceA simple implementation of the service-object pattern
181,543244davinci_crd_test_kitDaVinci CRD Test Kit
181,543244knfKNF for Ruby
181,543244puppet-module-posix-system-rpoc by @gopal_ethical
181,550243rabbit-slide-hasumikin-OsakaRubyKaigi04Presentation slide for 大阪Ruby会議04
181,550243testgem_grosqA very simple test hello world gem <>"
181,550243lambda_wheneverwhenever for Amazon EventBridge Scheduler.
181,550243base64_encoder_decoderThis gem provides methods for encoding and decoding Base64 data in Ruby.
181,550243toggl_rbA toggl rb API client supporting V9 version of the main API and V3 of the reporting API
181,550243stimulus_attrsHelpers to simplify rendering Stimulus data attributes
181,550243basic_urlImplements a simple URL object supporting object oriented paradigms, basic as-you-expec...
181,559242observable_railsObserve your Rails app using Open Telemetry
181,559242chime-asset-refsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.