Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
175821-175840 of all 180,507 gems.
175,815925ezfileMore Safety than FileUtils. Like #move_file, #copy_file, #rename_file. If that destinat...
175,822924pretreeA simple prefix trie gem
175,822924dbx-apiRuby wrapper for the Databricks API. Includes access to the Databricks Jobs API and the...
175,822924nice_formA form object.
175,822924renametvRename tv show files and subtitle files
175,822924coin_market_capitalizationGet todays's crptocurrencies by market cap using Ruby
175,822924amygdalaA simple framework for developing a Battlesnake API
175,828923vulneruby_enginePlaceholder by RubyGems Security Team
175,828923specinfra_termuxSpecinfra extension for Termux terminal
175,828923lowriderLowcode development kit
175,828923rdiscountwlFast Implementation of Gruber's Markdown in C With Latex Support
175,828923core4skYes a lang inside a lang :)
175,828923taksi-railsThe oficial way to use Taksi framework in your rails application.
175,834922oxidizerRapidly build Rails controllers.
175,834922prefix_treeprefix_tree gem
175,834922konfiguracjaConfiguration inspired by AnywayConfig but with DryStruct DSL
175,834922zwiebelzwiebel is a Tor network hidden service connector for version 3 .onion addresses.
175,838921ignored_columns_tasksRails tasks to create migrations to remove ignored columns and output dropped columns t...
175,838921jekyll-semtreeAdd jekyll support for a semantic tree (in markdown).
175,838921rack_do_app_platform_safelistRack middleware for safelisting IP addresses using an environment variables in DigitalO...