Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
175881-175900 of all 180,518 gems.
175,876915qredisKredis plugin for querying Redis
175,882914action_view-useAn Action View extension for using inline SVGs
175,882914news_aggregatorGet top news headlines from using Ruby
175,882914pludoni-rubocopShared company Rubocop
175,882914guardaAnother authorization gem
175,882914capistrano-hutch-systemdHutch integration for Capistrano.
175,887913jekyll-cloudflare-cache-purgeA Jekyll plugin to purge the cloudflare cache on build
175,887913ufAn efficient way to determine connectedness in graphs\ Inspirati...
175,889912tweettopA simple API wrapper for Twitter API requests.
175,889912rinruby-edgeRinRuby is a Ruby library that integrates the R interpreter in Ruby, making R's statist...
175,889912cm_clickpostClickpost wrapper
175,889912solid_cableDatabase-backed Action Cable backend.
175,889912studio_game_lubatonThis is a game where you can add players, find treasures, gain and lose health, and col...
175,889912ddsketchDDSketch is a fast-to-insert, fully mergeable, space-efficient quantile sketch with rel...
175,889912antithemeAttempted minimalistic Jekyll theme.
175,889912fera-apps-railsCheckout the Fera Rails App github repo to get started with a beautiful Fera App integr...
175,897911zoho_toolsZOHO auth and subscriptions
175,897911ngdriveGem to download google drive files into local \ Inspiration: ht...
175,897911digitnineDigitnine API gem
175,900910vident-typedVident with typed attributes