Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
175901-175920 of all 180,689 gems.
175,900945google_geo_jpProvides google geocoding without the need for coding.
175,900945coin_market_capitalizationGet todays's crptocurrencies by market cap using Ruby
175,903944huginn_harvestFetch resources from harvest.
175,903944nockrNock is Urbit's assembly language. This gem lets you interpret and run it from Ruby."
175,903944termiumParser for the TERMIUM Plus terminology database of the Government of Canada
175,903944fluent-plugin-redis-sentinelRedis(zset/set/list/string/publish) output plugin for Fluentd...
175,908943strongmind_canvas_api_clientCanvas API Client for Strongmind
175,908943month_2_numberParse months names into number.
175,908943chrediscaching and manage Kredis result
175,911942activerecord-not_nilAdd support for a not_nill type to active record.
175,911942parity_prop_eazybrightA gem that returns an array of integers based on parity
175,913941yonduSettings object for extending configuration
175,913941sidekiq-corralSend a job to a queue and move all jobs it triggers to that same queue.
175,913941dryer_factoriesAn extension of the Dry family of gems ( This gem can generate valid payloa...
175,913941spreakerManage your podcasts at episodes on Spreaker with this gem.
175,918940lti_coreImplmentation of the LTI Core standard for Ruby.
175,918940karanja1victor_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby Palindrome Tester
175,918940html2slideshowCreates a html/javaScript-slideshow from html-source or image-files.