Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
175861-175880 of all 180,518 gems.
175,855919bt_testYou can update this description in `config/locales/en/application.en.yml`.
175,862918datadog-json_loggerThis gem provides easy integration for connecting a ruby application to Datadog's loggi...
175,862918nockrNock is Urbit's assembly language. This gem lets you interpret and run it from Ruby."
175,862918rubikaA simple hello world gem
175,865917tiny_chat_gpta tiny ChatGPT client
175,865917worldpac_apiWorldpac Gem to manage Parts Ordering & Returns
175,865917erikaGenerate Slideshow video from images using single command with animationIts simple to u...
175,865917impressionist-codyLog impressions from controller actions or from a model
175,865917prefixtrieA simple prefix trie gem
175,865917locale_ninjaLocaleNinja is a powerful Git-based gem for effortless translation management in Ruby o...
175,871916metrist_ipaPlugin to measure outgoing API call performance using Metrist
175,871916cr_auditableCrAuditable is gem used to save history for same table
175,871916facets-glimmerFacets is the premier collection of extension methods for the Ruby programming language...
175,871916min_maxA min max heap extension for Ruby
175,871916jekyll-bulma-tabsGenerate a tabbed interface with bulma as a CSS framework.
175,876915rb-youtube-dlRb-YoutubeDL is a wrapper for the python script youtube-dl. Forked from youtube-dl.rb gem.
175,876915regexingDialogueally ask questions and answer
175,876915wslian_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
175,876915prism_checkerprism_checker is an extension for rspec and minitest, built on top of the site_prism ge...
175,876915jekyll-html-encodeEncode strings to HTML escape characters