Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
175841-175860 of all 180,488 gems.
175,839916bt_testYou can update this description in `config/locales/en/application.en.yml`.
175,839916ezfileMore Safety than FileUtils. Like #move_file, #copy_file, #rename_file. If that destinat...
175,839916rubikaA simple hello world gem
175,844915jekyll-semtreeAdd jekyll support for a semantic tree (in markdown).
175,844915prefixtrieA simple prefix trie gem
175,844915rouge-gtk_theme_loaderLoad installed GtkSourceView themes into Rouge
175,847914erikaGenerate Slideshow video from images using single command with animationIts simple to u...
175,847914cr_auditableCrAuditable is gem used to save history for same table
175,847914karanja1victor_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby Palindrome Tester
175,847914impressionist-codyLog impressions from controller actions or from a model
175,847914wslian_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
175,852913ignored_columns_tasksRails tasks to create migrations to remove ignored columns and output dropped columns t...
175,852913facets-glimmerFacets is the premier collection of extension methods for the Ruby programming language...
175,852913regexingDialogueally ask questions and answer
175,852913qredisKredis plugin for querying Redis
175,852913promptspecThis gem allows developers to manage and call AI prompts stored in YAML files.
175,857912candidhealthThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
175,857912nockrNock is Urbit's assembly language. This gem lets you interpret and run it from Ruby."
175,857912metrist_ipaPlugin to measure outgoing API call performance using Metrist
175,857912ufAn efficient way to determine connectedness in graphs\ Inspirati...