Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
175921-175940 of all 180,709 gems.
175,921946huginn_harvestFetch resources from harvest.
175,923945grpc_interceptorsA collection of Ruby interceptors (middlewares) for gRPC servers and clients.
175,923945z4boxTools to interact with the host system and other z4 instances.
175,923945sidekiq-corralSend a job to a queue and move all jobs it triggers to that same queue.
175,926943google-apis-workspaceevents_v1This is the simple REST client for Google Workspace Events API V1. Simple REST clients ...
175,926943karanja1victor_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby Palindrome Tester
175,926943mc_forecastForecast processes using monte-carlo simulation
175,926943swifter_enumSimple enum for active record that takes inspiration from Swift's enums to allow you to...
175,931942progenySpawn child processes without managing IO streams, zombie processes and other details.
175,931942html2slideshowCreates a html/javaScript-slideshow from html-source or image-files.
175,933941tabler_icons_rubyA simple helper to use tabler icons using Ruby (Rails or any other framework)
175,933941url_generatorDeveloped to create URL string using Builder pattern for simplicity and reduced errors
175,933941awesome_errorsAwesomeErrors is a simply way to add errors to your Ruby objects and classes.
175,937940hello123A simple hello world gem
175,937940rb-youtube-dlRb-YoutubeDL is a wrapper for the python script youtube-dl. Forked from youtube-dl.rb gem.
175,937940metrist_ipaPlugin to measure outgoing API call performance using Metrist
175,937940nice_formA form object.