Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
176941-176960 of all 180,689 gems.
176,941727gistkvUse GitHub gists as simple key/value databases
176,941727llama_alarmFull details at
176,941727rack-naked-to-wwwRedirect naked domain to www
176,944726msg-batcherA Ruby library that facilitates thread-safe batch processing of messages. In certain si...
176,944726lumbermillA log slicer and dicer. Code coming soon by: Assemble Company.
176,944726double_checkerGem for comparing file overrides while using a Rails engine.
176,944726tilt-caxlsxIntegrates Axlsx with Tilt
176,944726rinstallQuickly install Bootstrap 5 (and more in the future) to your Rails app
176,944726utility_stylesAll the css styles you need as individual classes ready to use to modify your large cla...
176,950725stashify-microsoft-azure-storage-blobInteract with Azure Blob Storage using the common building blocks provided by Stashify
176,950725math_wildA study collection of function to help simple math
176,950725canvas-i18n-editori18n edit
176,950725okraPlaceholder by RubyGems security team
176,950725json_or_ruby_to_csvThis gem converts arrays of JSON objects, arrays of hashes, arrays of ActionController ...
176,950725damsiTurns DFG into a flow of events
176,956724aperitiiifThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
176,956724kaimonoCreate your Shopping List. The kaimono command generates a shopping list with checkboxe...
176,956724cslrbThis gem provides a Ruby interface to the Cardano Serialization Lib by leveraging Rutie...
176,959723fluent-plugin-gelf-bestSends Fluentd events Graylog2 by GELF
176,960722custom_update_tagsAutomatically update your jekyll blog's tag index pages for GitHub Pages