Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177681-177700 of all 182,288 gems.
177,680825imageproxy_rubyA Ruby client for Image Proxy Server
177,680825zandelok_custom_functionsThis gem will help you extend the functionality of some standard Ruby classes. It also ...
177,680825html_scss_class_checkerHtmlScssClassChecker is designed to streamline the process of frontend development by s...
177,680825google-apis-solar_v1This is the simple REST client for Solar API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client li...
177,685824coeus_analyticsTrack the metrics that matter
177,685824scaleway_apiRuby bindings for the Scaleway API.
177,685824fancy-pThis gem extends the Kernel module to dynamically define fancy print methods that p...
177,685824irb-remoteConnect to IRB remotely using DRb
177,690823vcCreate, issue, and verify verifiable credentials with Ruby.
177,690823pg-locks-monitorThis gem allows to monitor and notify about PostgreSQL database locks which meet certai...
177,690823powerhome-scimitarSCIM v2 support for Users and Groups in Ruby On Rails
177,690823hst-funbizAPI Wrapper for SinoPac FunBiz Payment
177,690823twtxtThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
177,690823fli_videoFliVideo - Video Asset Management for Content Creators
177,690823davinci_plan_net_test_kitDaVinci Plan Net Test Kit
177,697822squisherDo some simple addition
177,697822elasticgraph-schema_artifactsElasticGraph gem containing code related to generated schema artifacts.
177,697822simple_teamsSimpleTeams is an all-in-one solution for implementing teams quickly in a Ruby on Rails...
177,697822rspec_sql_counterRSpec matcher for SQL queries