Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177601-177620 of all 182,288 gems.
177,599839phlex-icons-lucideLucide icons library for Phlex
177,599839rafmycatА gem that allows you to get pass for patterns
177,599839jekyll-baseJekyll Base is a a simple gem to replace the minima theme. It includes Bootstrap v5.3 a...
177,604838jekyll-rubin-collab-themeA beautiful and easy-to-use Jekyll theme for Rubin LSST Science Collaborations.
177,604838wordnet_japan_diagramDraw a diagram of Japanese WordNet about the hypernyms and hyponyms of the search word.
177,604838onegaishimasuCode made by: Assemble Company.
177,608837roseflow-openrouterOpenRouter integration and support for Roseflow
177,608837lambdatest-sdk-utilsRuby Selenium SDK for testing with Smart UI
177,608837boost_distributionsThis is a Ruby gem to calculate statistical properties of various distributions by usin...
177,608837fadada-ruby-sdkfadada-ruby-sdk is a light and easy to use gem. It could help developers quickly make u...
177,608837google-apps-events-subscriptionsThe Google Workspace Events API lets you subscribe to events and manage change notifica...
177,614836rucksackCode made by: Assemble Company.
177,614836pul_rails_templateTemplate for generating new DLS Rails applications.
177,614836hola_leeA simple hello world gem
177,614836fxdatapiA Ruby Gem to interact with the Currency API.
177,614836google-cloud-managed_kafkaManage Apache Kafka clusters and resources.
177,619835binenc-rubyThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
177,619835nodepileNOT WORKING CODE. Designed to make it easy to take a spreadsheet or other tabular data ...