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Most downloads over all time
177661-177680 of all 182,288 gems.
177,660828webhookdumpA webhook dump http forwarder CLI
177,660828ruby_wf_crmA gem to run workflows in ruby on rails
177,660828hola_wallibyA simple hello world gem
177,660828leadhypebotFind documentation here:
177,665827mxp-coreThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
177,665827google-cloud-security_center_managementManagement API for Security Command Center, a built-in security and risk management sol...
177,665827env_controlContract for ENV variables
177,665827ke_countiesCollection of Kenya county names, their codes, capitals, abbreviations and provinces
177,665827google-apis-config_v1This is the simple REST client for Infrastructure Manager API V1. Simple REST clients a...
177,665827slcspCalculate the second lowest cost silver plan
177,665827google-maps-fleet_engineEnables Fleet Engine for access to the On Demand Rides and Deliveries and Last Mile Fle...
177,665827validatyValidaty has basic validations for Rails application
177,665827rabbit-slide-daipom-lts-release-announcefluent-package v5 LTSのリリースについて紹介するスライドです。
177,674826gitwgit command wrabper
177,674826remittance-service-clientThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
177,674826jsonrpc_interfaceJSONRPC Interface for Ruby projects realised in object oriented way. JRPC Request, JRPC...
177,674826metronic_gemEssa gem oferece uma solução completa para a criação de interfaces responsivas e person...
177,674826quotypieMake quotes in error messages consistent.
177,674826fixture_recordHelper library for generating test fixtures for existing records and their associated a...
177,680825card-management-sdkThe Shell Card Management API is REST-based and employs OAUTH 2.0,Basic and ApiKey auth...