Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177741-177760 of all 182,276 gems.
177,738810protos-iconThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
177,738810katapult-rubyAuto generated from the Katapult OpenAPI specification
177,743809lzAnalyze command history and suggest aliases so you can type less.
177,743809capistrano-elb-autoscalingCapistrano plugin for deploying to AWS Auto Scaling Group.
177,743809dyngrowDynamically add methods defined on DB to any object
177,743809vapeyvapey uses Redis and OpenAI embeddings to index your documentation
177,743809hola_cyanA simple hello world gem
177,743809openai_image_generatorOpenAI Image Generation API client library in Ruby
177,743809irix3Irix is implementing several crypto-exchange for Arke and Peatio.
177,743809maintenance_switchSmall gem to switch your application on maintenance mode
177,743809custom_holidayA simple way to define your holiday settings
177,752808myopicHelper functions for Rails
177,752808gem-testingA simple testing gem
177,752808ccipher_boxThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
177,752808google-translate-freeTranslation service designed to help you with a variety of language-based features incl...
177,752808azure_app_configAn unofficial Azure App Configuration API Client written in Ruby.
177,752808ozemmouri_palindromeLearn Enough palindrome detector.
177,752808TabLabCommand-line tab editor
177,752808open_api_rackGenerate your own shiny OpenAPI 3.0.0 documentation from Rspec request specs
177,760807langtrainerA language trainer tool for developers interested in developing education-related