Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177621-177640 of all 182,288 gems.
177,619835my_solaredgeA tool to get data from Solaredge's monitoring website, commonly data from solar panels
177,622834alexandria-zoomRuby/ZOOM provides a Ruby binding to the Z39.50 Object-Orientation Model (ZOOM), an abs...
177,622834pubmedlySearch the NIH database for medical research.
177,622834dd_post_gaugeDatadog post gauge by wrapping datadog api
177,622834ingy-preludeIngy döt Net's Standard Prelude
177,622834ruby_typistCustom typing animation for ruby app
177,627833zandelok_parity_propA basic example of a ruby gem. Not for Commercial Purposes
177,627833reed_sdkThis is a sample client for the the-one-api service. This client implements endpoints r...
177,627833app_store_connect_api_clientA thin Ruby wrapper around the App Store Connect API to provide a more convenient way o...
177,627833gvltestSome test methods for experimenting with CRuby's GVL
177,627833contenttruck-rbThe Ruby SDK for Contenttruck.
177,627833slack_socket_modeIt works as a Slackbot by simply implementing a block that handles messages.
177,627833esse-redis_storageAdd-on for the esse gem to be used with Redis as a storage backend.
177,627833rack-error_handlerRack middleware to log request errors and respond with standard message
177,627833foobara-sh-cli-connectorCommand-line connector for Foobara
177,627833coelacanthcoelacanth is a gem that allows you to easily parse and analyze web pages, extracting k...
177,627833meteofrance-apiWrapper around non-public API. Based on Python lib
177,627833oauth2_fitbit_railsOauth2 Rails based client for Fitbit specifically.
177,627833careacademy-acl9Role-based authorization system for Rails with a concise DSL for securing your Rails ap...
177,640832ical2hashIt can convert ical txt to hash object and revert.