Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177781-177800 of all 182,276 gems.
177,781804google-apps-events-subscriptions-v1The Google Workspace Events API lets you subscribe to events and manage change notifica...
177,781804html-stripperHTML Stripper removes all HTML from a ActiveRecord model column
177,781804filewatcher-accessAdd `access` event for Filewatcher (where it's supported).
177,781804omniauth-zalo2Zalo OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth
177,781804nws_openapi_sdkReads the NWS OpenAPI definition and creates a client to interact with its API
177,781804clicksign_rubyRuby library to interact with Clicksign
177,781804printful_clientA Ruby client for the API ( generate...
177,788803stigg-sidecar-sdkStigg Sidecar SDK for Ruby
177,788803sidekiq-tamerA simple way to protect your resources from Sidekiq scaling
177,788803yabeda-karafka-2Extends Yabeda to collect Karafka metrics
177,792802ensemble_castEvaluate block in first argument. You can use `Module#ensemble(method_name)` method. ...
177,792802hola_trujiUna simple gema de saludo
177,792802portertech-sensu-jsonThe Sensu JSON parser abstraction library
177,792802decent_decoration-ruby3Use decent_exposure with decorators (e.g. Draper)
177,792802resymaA regular syntax matcher facilitating DSL's construction
177,797801hola_cerberinaA simple hello world gem
177,797801minitest-trailblazerMinitest integration for Trailblazer
177,797801atcRuby client for the video game Auto Traffic Control
177,797801simple_ajax_formSince rails 7 uses HotWire, it became a bit hard to implement ajax submissions on form;...