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177801-177820 of all 182,276 gems.
177,801800screenshots_pagepixelsPagePixels Screenshots is a Ruby Gem that provides a simple and easy-to-use interface f...
177,801800jekyll-printing-pressPublishes posts as books, ebooks, and many formats supported by Pandoc from a Jekyll site
177,803799strings-parserThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
177,803799google-cloud-privileged_access_manager-v1## Overview Privileged Access Manager (PAM) is a Google Cloud native, managed solution ...
177,803799pg-locks-monitorThis gem allows to monitor and notify about PostgreSQL database locks which meet certai...
177,806798fake_sonic_pifake_sonic_pi is a reimplementation of a small subset of the Sonic Pi
177,806798custom_elements-railsA simple way to use custom elements to your Rails app. #nobuild
177,806798rw-api-microserviceThis gem allows your Rails-built microservice to easily integrate with the RW API
177,806798rabbit-slide-kenhys-tokyodebian-d-i-font-202307Tokyo Debian Debian Installer Issue 202307
177,810797aws-secrets-managerSupport multiple plaintext and key-value aws secrets
177,810797yabeda-hanamiEasy collecting your Hanami apps metrics
177,810797nummyNummy provides utilities that that build on Ruby's Enumerable module to provide functio...
177,810797miguRuby code base migration tool.
177,810797rubocop-rubyk0va1's rubocop template for Ruby
177,810797zafiroZafiro is a UI components library designed to help developers build beautiful and consi...
177,817796cep_coinbaseCoin Exchange Parser(CEP) is a functional exchange calculation class which converts rec...
177,817796hkendall_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
177,817796sanitizableA gem to help sanitize input for any Rails model by providing a `sanitizable` concern
177,817796activeexperimentDeclare experiments using classes that can be run in different layers of an application.