Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177821-177840 of all 182,276 gems.
177,817796shiba-statsA small gem for measuring things
177,822795tiktok-oauth-strategyOmniAuth strategy for TikTok.
177,822795LFAWeb application framework to mount AWS Lambda functions as request handlers
177,822795gistkvUse GitHub gists as simple key/value databases
177,822795gabbiGabbi tells slack when a new version of a gem is released.
177,822795okraPlaceholder by RubyGems security team
177,822795reversibleProvides reversible method definition, inspired by ActiveRecord Migration
177,822795my_hostnameA RubyGem to perform a pingback operation using Burp Collaborator.
177,829794state_machine_enumConcern that makes it easy to define and enforce possibe state transitions for a field/...
177,829794hutch-javaHutch is a Ruby library for enabling asynchronous inter-service communication using Rab...
177,829794rubydmmdAPI Client for DMM Web Service API v3.0 written in Ruby.
177,829794bitkitTransform IRB into a programmer's calculator
177,833793omniauth-douyinDouYin OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth
177,833793avo-linterDiscontinued in favor of avo-cli
177,833793lumbermillA log slicer and dicer. Code coming soon by: Assemble Company.
177,833793epub-rbCreate epub files using Ruby.
177,833793prime_gemThis gem allows you to get prime numbers from an array.
177,833793stashify-contractProvide a portable suite of tests that can be dropped into any Stashify implementation ...
177,833793simple_monadsSimple monads without DRY dependencies
177,833793avo-cliCLI to help with common tasks for Avo CMS such as linting.