Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177861-177880 of all 182,276 gems.
177,861789xrb-railsAdd support XRB templates in Rails.
177,862788daqing_rucaptchaCaptcha Gem for Rails, which generates captcha image by Rust.
177,862788excelinator_ruby3convert your csv data and html tables to excel data
177,862788bhr_hello_worldSimple hello world gem
177,862788ruby-http-sessionHTTP::Session - a session abstraction for http.rb in order to support Cookies and Caching.
177,862788vagrant-tartAllows Vagrant to manage Tart virtual machines.
177,862788active_model-validations-aiValidate that your Active Record models comply with legal policies, verified by AI.
177,862788dadProject basics
177,862788tencent-cloud-sesTencent Cloud SES SDK
177,862788infieldSend deprecation warnings to Infield
177,862788phlexi-formA better way to customize and build forms for your Rails application
177,862788murb_design_systema very simple and basic design system in progress used for projects by murb
177,862788africa_palindromeThis gem detects palindromes like 'racecar' and 'Madam, I'm Adam'
177,875787hl_rubyRead and write HL files in Ruby.
177,875787importmap-package-managerManages importmap package versions using ruby-like version constraints
177,875787ronin-reconronin-recon is a micro-framework and tool for performing reconnaissance. ronin-recon us...
177,875787gigaA console text editor, built pretty much from scratch
177,879786rubocop-rspec-documentationLint RSpec examples embedded in Markdown files
177,879786jekyll-pdf-thumbnailThis plugin generates thumbnails for each PDF in your site using the pdftoimage gem