Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179441-179460 of all 182,301 gems.
179,436528gitlab-feature_flag_alertTool that alerts on overdue GitLab feature flags
179,436528seedgenGenerate seed files from your schema.
179,436528fastlane-plugin-secrets_manager_storageEnables fastlane match to use AWS Secrets Manager as backing storage
179,444527cloud_profiler_agentProfiling agent for Google Cloud Profiler
179,444527rack-spaRack middlewares to make building and serving a Single Page App from a Ruby Rack app easy.
179,444527suckysocketsThe suckysockets gem provides the user with the opportunity to check whether a power ad...
179,444527wealthforge3-rubyThe WealthForge API acts as a connection between WealthForge's back-end transaction eng...
179,444527danger-chimeThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
179,444527slack_interactive_clientInteract with your Rails app through Slack by defining dynamic Slack slash commands, us...
179,444527minimalistaMinimalista: yet another minimalist jekyll-theme
179,451526chess_dataFor searching/filtering datasets of chess games. This gem allows you to read collectio...
179,451526dirigeraAPI client for the IKEA Dirigera hub using a local connection
179,451526cncStop milling about and build rails apps faster with CNC.
179,451526dmarc_reportFetch DMARC report mails via IMAP and extract and convert the data to CSV.
179,451526wikirate4rubyThe Wikirate4ruby is an open-source ruby library for the Wikirate API.
179,451526gemnew1add descripption
179,451526seizaReturn seiza.
179,451526jekyll-commonmark-codetabsCommonMark generator for Jekyll that adds tabbed code functionality
179,451526imdhemy-jekyll-themeWrite a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.
179,451526roseflow-pineconePinecone vector database integration and support for Roseflow.