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Most downloads over all time
180181-180200 of all 182,853 gems.
180,178502convertmeRequire convertme and pass the currencies + amount to convert to different currencies!
180,178502deezDeez gems do work
180,178502xita_meanEssa gems soma os numeros de um array e divide pelo tamanho do array
180,178502blockbeeRuby implementation of BlockBee's payment gateway
180,178502pay_with_extendExtend is a Ruby gem that provides a simple interface to the Extend API. It allows you ...
180,178502unipropA Library for the Management and Analysis of Unicode Properties
180,178502rugoA Micro Framework for Ruby
180,188501omg-activestorageAttach cloud and local files in Rails applications.
180,188501primitiveToolboxIncluding Higher order array functionality, typechecking etc..
180,188501decidim-survey_resultsThis module enables the admins to show survey results to participants though a new surv...
180,188501ruby_jarvisThis gem will provide you openai Api access right in your console to use chatgpt like f...
180,188501kaminari-jets-corekaminari-core includes pagination logic independent from ORMs and view libraries
180,188501rubocop-vaporyhumoRubocop setup used by @vaporyhumo
180,188501imc_zicaCalculates the IMC by passing the weight and height of a person
180,188501log-prettyProvides intuitive methods for outputting ANSI escaped content to the terminal
180,188501pg_pool_safe_queryLog queries that are incompatible with a Postgres pooler in transaction mode.
180,188501volvivolvi gem
180,198500elessarA simple SDK for Murilo Zaffalon, Elessar - In the book, Elessar is a green gemstone th...
180,198500solid_agentA simple way to make Ruby AI Agents
180,198500patoisFor building chatbot agents.