Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180121-180140 of all 182,339 gems.
180,119466chime-slack-botThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
180,119466palindrome_primerA gem which provides palindrome prime numbers inside an array
180,119466simplest_sql_parserThis parser parses very simple SQL query and generates AST.
180,119466turbo_debugA set of debugging helpers that make it easy to debug Turbo requests, responses, and fr...
180,119466rocotto_palindromeTrying to make my first ruby gem
180,119466easy-box-packer-plus3D bin-packing with weight limit using first-fit decreasing algorithm. The functionalit...
180,127465moiz-gillani-whatsapp-cloud-api-sdkUse cloud-hosted version of the WhatsApp Business API to send and receive messages
180,127465list_enabled_extensionsThis gem provides a command-line tool to list enabled VSCode extensions for a given wor...
180,127465google-cloud-edge_container-v1google-cloud-edge_container-v1 is the official client library for the Distributed Cloud...
180,127465simple_form-bulmaThis is going to help you to use Bulma CSS Framework with SimpleForm.
180,127465blog_appA full Rails blog application as a reusable gem.
180,127465llmLLM helpers
180,127465railsfinderThis gem enables users to search and view details of tables defined in the schema.rb fi...
180,127465humaansA Ruby client for interacting with the Humaans API.
180,127465stack_trace-integrationsStackTrace integrations library for Rspec, Rack, and Sidekiq
180,136464ir_telemetryParse and browse iRacing telemetry files with Ruby.
180,136464cdek_api_clientThis gem provides a Ruby client for interacting with the CDEK API, including order crea...
180,136464syslog-exporterThis is a placeholder package. Please reach out for removal.
180,136464dastich_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
180,136464pd1_toolsFerramentas para AVM-TRF1.