Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180161-180180 of all 182,339 gems.
180,153461mobility_typedThis gem adds Mobility plugin, which can be turned on for Rails model, and will check t...
180,162460aapiw_temperature_check_gemEasier convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
180,162460environment-tempTemporarily change values in ENV
180,162460covered-gihubProvides coverage computation for git pull requests.
180,162460open-gcsGCS file open wrapper.
180,162460jekyll_pic_containerSimple Liquid Tag to wrap a picture tag in a caption
180,162460dummy_oscarThe tool for creating a dummy HTTP server and client.
180,162460rom-neighborneighbor gem for rom-rb
180,162460net-tofuNet::Tofu is a client and certificate pinning library for Geminispace, derived from ...
180,162460rentvineRentvine is a web-based Property Management application that provides a RESTful API for...
180,162460osmosisThis powerful database utility library simplifies and automates common database tasks, ...
180,172459trailblazer-workflowBPMN process engine
180,172459rubocop-vaporyhumoRubocop setup used by @vaporyhumo
180,172459fault_tolerant_requestsSend GET requests, retry after incremental delays on failure.
180,172459enkelWrite smaller and simpler code.
180,172459fake-gem-123Make something that can run in production
180,172459is_emailis_email is a no-nonsense approach for checking whether that user-supplied email addres...
180,172459slightly-betterUltra minimal jekyll theme that gets out of its own way