Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180101-180120 of all 182,339 gems.
180,098468mrglass-qbxmlQuickbooks XML Parser
180,098468loader_detectorloader_detector was developed to efficiently detect changes on websites. It does this b...
180,098468decidim-ubA Decidim module to sync UB users who connect to the platform.
180,098468flotteManage containers with easy
180,098468hard_notifierNew Era Notifier
180,098468uplink-rubyRuby bindings to the libuplink C Storj API library
180,098468togglv9Toggl v9 API wrapper (See, originally from kanet77...
180,098468studio_game_jabThe Pragmatic Studio Ruby Course Project
180,098468proc_tweakerA simple Proc Tweaker gem to change the way procs work. This code is not mine and I do ...
180,110467sstlistpplabsstudent list app with mvc and other patterns
180,110467happy_bday_abhishek_bhawaretest Gem
180,110467asciidoctor-fixxrefsAsciidoctor fix xrefs
180,110467sorbet-httpCommon HTTP types for use with Sorbet-aware Ruby projects.
180,110467metabypassMetabypass | Ruby-based easy implementation for solving any type of captcha by Metabypass
180,110467student_MyGemА gem that allows you to get pass for patterns
180,110467piglatinTranslator for a secret language formed from English by transferring the initial conson...
180,110467typed_paramsstyped params
180,110467kgs_simple_gemMuch longer explanation of the example!
180,119466shivamHutch is a Ruby library for enabling asynchronous inter-service communication using Rab...
180,119466connect_four_2307A simple gem to play Connect 4 from a CLI.