Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180761-180780 of all 181,049 gems.
180,759201regorusplaceholder reserving namespace
180,759201jekyll-autoprefixer-v2This plugin provides simple autoprefixer support for Jekyll.
180,759201uixSimple user interface toolkit
180,759201rustdRuby implementation of Rust-inspired APIs for concepts such as enum, traits, Result, Op...
180,759201giasA Ruby gem that provides an interface to the Get Information About Schools (GIAS) CSV d...
180,766200MergeRequestInsightMergeRequestInsight helps developers and team leads manage code reviews more effectivel...
180,766200forest_admin_datasource_customizerForest is a modern admin interface that works on all major web frameworks. This gem mak...
180,768199hello_world_gem_3test gem
180,768199kleisterOpenAPI client for Kleister
180,768199toggl_rbA toggl rb API client supporting V9 version of the main API and V3 of the reporting API
180,768199xano_api_gemA Ruby gem for interacting with the Xano API. Provides a client for making requests to ...
180,768199riemann-rdapSubmit domain expiration information to Riemann
180,768199sequel-hexspaceThis is a hexspace adapter for Sequel, designed to be used with Spark (not Hive). You c...
180,768199gristUse this gem to interact with the a Grist API from your Ruby application.
180,775198judoscale-shoryukenAutoscaling for Shoryuken workers.
180,775198categoriacategoria presents a set of generators for domain-driven development in rails
180,775198pg_connections_terminateThis gem adds a new rake task which terminates all the connections with the Rails app d...
180,775198parasortParallel sort
180,775198lesli_shieldAuthentication & Authorization for the Lesli Framework.