Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180781-180800 of all 181,049 gems.
180,775198modspecLibrary to work with OGC ModSpec.
180,775198custom-adalWindows Azure Active Directory authentication client library
180,775198rupklPkl parser for Ruby
180,775198testgemmA simple hello world gem
180,775198omniauth-printfulPrintful strategy for OmniAuth
180,786197rbexecListens on a socket for incoming commands
180,786197pulseaudio_simple_fiddleA Ruby-Fiddle implementation of the PulseAudio Simple API.
180,786197xmiXMI data model parser
180,786197fridaFrida Ruby bindings.
180,786197knfKNF for Ruby
180,786197rspec_query_counterKeeps track of the number and type of queries in your RSpec tests and provides a summar...
180,786197fool_encryptionTo fool the fool!
180,786197lesli_supportTicket Management System for the Lesli Framework
180,786197protobug_compiler_protosCompiled protos for protobug from (compiler...
180,797196taskcmdSimple todo list manager for the command line
180,797196cliflowReserved package
180,797196raigenRAIGEN: Ruby AI Generation
180,797196catterCatter is a Ruby gem that provides a fun way to display random cat emojis in your appli...