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Most downloads over all time
180821-180840 of all 181,049 gems.
180,821193json_canvasJsonCanvas is a Ruby gem that provides a robust implementation of the JSONCanvas specif...
180,821193jekyll-asset-path-tagIt's... mesmerizing.
180,821193time_exprModify Time without monkeypatching Fixnum
180,821193studio_game_aanonymoususeroninternetThis is a gem created as part of Pragmatic studio Ruby course
180,821193simple-hstsSimple way to add HSTS to Rails apps
180,821193sdksio-apimatic-sdkthe package contains the SDKS for all the endpoints available on : https://docs.apimati...
180,821193protobug_conformance_protosCompiled protos for protobug from (conforma...
180,821193heroicon-rubyRuby on Rails view helpers for the beautiful hand-crafted SVG icons, Heroicons.
180,821193select2-bootstrap-railsSelect2, a jQuery-based substitute for select boxes, offers features such as search fun...
180,830192bp3-hello-engineBp3::Hello::Engine is an example BP3 Rails engine that 'says hello'
180,830192sidekiq-batchsSidekiq Batch Jobs Implementation
180,830192konciergeKoncierge is an opinionated structure for kustomize configuration repositories.
180,830192teaapp1TeaApp1 is a simple CLI app for tracking tea consumption.
180,834191base64_encoder_decoderThis gem provides methods for encoding and decoding Base64 data in Ruby.
180,834191titlecaserUses standard title casing rules to titleize strings
180,834191response_fakerResponse Faker is a lightweight Ruby gem designed for developers to easily mock third-p...
180,834191snomed_modelProvides ORM layer to query SNOMED
180,834191railnrollFixtures created by active record models
180,834191rabbit-slide-znz-lilo-20240427[LILO&東海道らぐオフラインミーティング 2024-04-27](での発表資料です。
180,834191async_pipelineDefine a pipeline of async tasks and their starting conditions