Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180801-180820 of all 183,147 gems.
180,794464swiftype-capistranoPublic placeholder for internal Swiftype gem
180,794464osunyPlaceholder Ruby gem to reserve osuny name
180,794464haltiaHaltia.AI Software Development Kit (SDK) for Ruby
180,794464cucumber_event_listenerA event listener gem
180,794464path-tempUtility for defining a path that, if the file exists, is deleted at the end of the block.
180,794464publishing_platform_app_configBase configuration for Publishing Platform applications
180,808463lcra_testA simple hello world gem
180,808463nitemaeric-holaGem created from following the 'Make a Ruby Gem' guide.
180,808463particion_listaParticion de una lista
180,808463wry_rubyRuby bindings for Wry........
180,808463ruby_game_gemsRubyGame is a action based fighting game where a player has access to treasures which r...
180,808463cocoapods-coding-ar-releaseCODING-AR-backed repo support for Cocoapods
180,808463msg91-one-api["This gem provides a Ruby interface for using Msg91 services.", "
180,815462study_rubyIt serves as a learning resource for improving programming skills and enhancing logical...
180,815462rails_semantic_searchRailsSemanticSearch is a Ruby gem that adds semantic search functionality to Rails appl...
180,815462restableA toolkit for rapidly building REST APIs with Rails.
180,815462swgoh_comlinkA wrapper to connect to SWGOH Comlink APIs
180,815462expert_firstgemA gem for the testing purpose
180,815462hello-gem-with-new-nameA simple hello world gem