Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180981-181000 of all 181,049 gems.
180,979159msg91-one-api["This gem provides a Ruby interface for using Msg91 services.", "
180,982154tagoThis simple gem adds a new supplementary method .ago() to the existing class Time, thus...
180,983153wordle_gameThis library allows you to play a Wordle-like game with customizable word lengths.
180,984152poepodUtilities for uploading code to Poe
180,984152rails-tail-log-monitorThe rails-tail-log-monitor gem simplifies the process of monitoring server logs by disp...
180,984152rbs_inline_dataSupport auto generation of RBS by `Data.define` in rbs-inline syntax
180,984152test-input-opensearch-1Opensearch output plugin for Fluent event collector
180,988151paymob-engineGem provide you helpers to integrate with paymob service
180,988151davinci_crd_test_kitDaVinci CRD Test Kit
180,990149test-input-opensearchOpensearch output plugin for Fluent event collector
180,990149sumaUtility for SUMA (STEP Unified Model-Based Standards Architecture)
180,992146omniauth-shopify-appShopify strategy for OmniAuth
180,993144davinci_dtr_test_kitTest Kit for the Da Vinci Documentation Templates and Rules (DTR) FHIR Implementation G...
180,994143word_tallyOutput a tally of the number of times unique words appear in file or stdin source.
180,995142dotpromptdotprompt for your prompt prompt needs
180,995142touTime-ordered UUIDv4
180,995142activellmActiveLLM: Integrate Large Language Models with Rails
180,998141int_env_management_clientPlaceholder gem
180,999140churn_vs_complexityInspired by Michael Feathers' article "Getting Empirical about Refactoring" and the gem...
181,000138aws_local_config_parserPlaceholder gem