Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180981-181000 of all 183,147 gems.
180,970440railsbootRails View Components for Bootstrap
180,970440supercalculatorA super calculatro gem
180,983439mellynAPI client for the Mellyn service - a powerful tool for login anomaly detection and res...
180,983439response_fakerResponse Faker is a lightweight Ruby gem designed for developers to easily mock third-p...
180,983439chromium-pdfAdd support for generating PDFs with chrome to a rails app
180,983439roseflow-stabilityaiStabilityAI integration and models for Roseflow
180,983439decidim-centersManage your centers and scopes so the users can be authorized over them.
180,983439parity_prop_testingA gem to partition an array of integers based on parity
180,983439kamalxkamalx wraps the kamal deploy tool to make it more user-friendly and easier to watch an...
180,983439bunnyrbA Ruby library for the Bunny APIs
180,992438moniesRuby gem for representing monetary values
180,992438livetypingLiveTyping implementation for Ruby
180,992438test_openaiA sample gem to call OpenAI API
180,995437rubyswizzsimple swatch time library.
180,995437bsdcapsicum.rbRuby bindings for FreeBSD's capsicum(4)
180,995437redis-store-pikaNamespaced Rack::Session, Rack::Cache, I18n and cache Redis stores for Ruby web framewo...
180,995437num4partialdiffnumerical solution for partial differential equations
180,999436tursodbGem wrapper for the Turso Platform REST API
180,999436si_unitsA library that encapsulate si units and their conversions.