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Most downloads over all time
180961-180980 of all 183,147 gems.
180,954442fast_jsonWork in progress...
180,962441cue_breakerBreaks down large CUE/WAV files into mp3 chunks
180,962441tiny_barlike a progress bar, but can also be used to measure used capacity of something
180,962441radliban exploration of ruby's ractors and potention apis or abstractions to make it more app...
180,962441byciThe byci Gem
180,962441confuscriptA new confusing programming language.
180,962441cs2Interface and utilities for Counter-Strike 2, the popular multiplayer tactical first-pe...
180,962441tiozaoGet a dad joke from
180,962441dry-operation_generators-test_unitAdd the test files of Business Logic actions with Dry Rb ecosystem
180,970440logstash-filter-combineA logstash filter for combining multiple source fields into a target array.
180,970440avo-advancedVisit to get more information about this gem.
180,970440skriftA pure Ruby TruteType font renderer
180,970440embulk-guess-avroEmbulk guess plugin for Apache Avro format
180,970440ritaPotential replacement for Lita
180,970440worldsA text-based world simulation and role-playing game toolkit.
180,970440silentiumSilence is Golden
180,970440chime-banking-contextThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
180,970440flutter-deployflutter deploy
180,970440log_in_fileRuby gem to log messages in a output file easily.