Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180961-180980 of all 182,419 gems.
180,960367nsit-jekyll-themeWrite a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.
180,962366brendondao_gemWrite a longer description or delete this line.
180,962366breadcrumb_helperProvides easy helper methods to generate breadcrumbs in Rails views.
180,962366huginn_steam_news_app_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
180,962366xeonThe Ruby Scraper.
180,962366esse-will_paginateWillPaginate extensions for Esse
180,962366sc2ai-kdtreeA fork of gem 'kdtree', which builds on Windows and depends on sc2ai. Use the original ...
180,962366portertech-sensu-extensionsThe Sensu extension loader library
180,962366minimal_jwtA minimal lightweight JWT library
180,962366nokogiri-enumparseLazy loading XML parser with Nokogiri.
180,962366irb-theme-iceberg🟦 Bluish color scheme for irb
180,973365activerecord-ulidAdd ULID support to ActiveRecord
180,973365active_record_mysql_spatialMySQL Spatial Data Types for ActiveRecord
180,973365kachA simple cache library
180,973365denormalizesDenormalize attributes to and from Active Record associations.
180,973365ethscriptionsA placeholder for the gem
180,973365hanami-dbThe database layer for Hanami apps
180,979364audc-gerrySimple Ruby wrapper for the Gerrit Code Review REST-API.
180,979364iconparkIntegrates Iconpark with the Rails asset pipelines