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180921-180940 of all 181,049 gems.
180,919175uinit-structureTyped structure
180,919175uinit-memoizableMemoize method
180,919175concurrent_pipelineDefine a pipeline of tasks, run them concurrently, and see a versioned history of all c...
180,924174logstash-filter-combineA logstash filter for combining multiple source fields into a target array.
180,924174jsapiJsapi can be used to read requests, produce responses and create OpenAPI documents
180,924174lichessA Ruby client for the API.
180,924174pyruA Ruby gem that provides a Pyru-friendly interface for Ruby libraries.
180,928173mutexReally not what you wanted.
180,928173jekyll-convertifyProvides tags and filters to convert sources of one type to another type, e.g. Markdown...
180,928173uinit-typeDynamic type checker
180,928173icanhazdadjokeThis gem provides a simple interface to fetch jokes from the icanhazdadjoke API.
180,932172faunSelf-hosted directory-based forum and asset catalog for small communities
180,932172rails-openaiRails native OpenAI tooling - SSE & ActionCable Channels
180,932172smsbdAPI wrapper for Bangladesh sms provider. provider:
180,932172num_validationUsed to validate a number is odd or even or palindrome
180,936171hindi_numeralsThis gem provides functionality to convert standard Arabic numbers to Hindi numerals.
180,936171kanseishitsuSimplified LaunchAgents management for macOS. This gem packageprovides command-line too...
180,936171parameterized_testing-minitest-specParameterized testing utility for minitest/spec
180,936171loc_marcLibrary of Congress MARC 21 / MODS / MADS parser
180,940170active_fieldsExtend your Rails models without changing DB schema.