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Most downloads over all time
180901-180920 of all 181,049 gems.
180,900180devopsutilsdevops system utility profiler for bioinformatics that does all the task required in th...
180,902179fastlane-plugin-new_telegramAllows post messages to telegram channel
180,902179space_shoesAn implementation of the Shoes GUI library in embedded HTML, and using HTML and Wasm ge...
180,904178jets-hanamiJets Hanami Support
180,904178prefix_api_keyGenerate a prefix API key for your application
180,904178simple_astm_handlerA Ruby gem for parsing and generating ASTM messages used in medical laboratories.
180,904178google-cloud-security_posture-v1Placeholder for the future Google-authored gem google-cloud-security_posture-v1. This p...
180,908177kazeMinimal Rails authentication scaffolding with Hotwire, Vue, or React + Tailwind.
180,908177cisa-kevA simple Ruby library for parsing the CISA KEV (Known Exploited Vulnerabilities) catalog
180,908177publishing_platform_rubocopShared RuboCop rules for publishing platform Ruby projects.
180,908177teleflowClient library for Teleflow API.
180,908177basic_urlImplements a simple URL object supporting object oriented paradigms, basic as-you-expec...
180,908177ch_studio_gamesimple command line game
180,908177eh-openaiA Ruby interface to the OpenAI Assistant API version 2
180,915176azure-kusto-rubyA client for the Kusto REST API
180,915176simple-command-parserSimple::CommandParser is a simple command parser.
180,915176rails_namespace_path_helperAn extension for namespaced controllers in Rails
180,915176kaigyokaigyo is a sql formatter
180,919175chime-flopperThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
180,919175puma-status-forkedCommand-line tool for puma to display information about running request/process. We hav...