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181001-181020 of all 182,419 gems.
181,001362animoAnimo allows building scalable Ruby web services. It emphasizes a distinct separation o...
181,001362claretA Ruby dialect that includes types in the language. Transpiles to Ruby and RBS by lever...
181,001362rubysolrubysol - ruby for (blockchain) layer 1 (l1) contracts / protocols with "off-chain" ind...
181,001362meta_bookwormProgram to build context around Chef cookbook code
181,001362middlemarchThis gem simply prints "Hello, Middlemarch!"
181,001362postype_railsPostypeRails can help you automate when you post in your Postype Blog.
181,007361deda-omniauth-keycloakOmniauth strategy for Keycloak
181,007361rabbit-slide-kenhys-tokyodebian-apt-json-hook-202309Tokyo Debian Apt JSON Hook 202311
181,007361benk-foobarA test gem for publishing to rubygems
181,007361google-shopping-merchant-productsProgrammatically manage your Merchant Center accounts.
181,007361kozeki-awsAWS plugins for Kozeki
181,012360dispersionPrism-powered syntax highlighter for Ruby
181,012360action_linkEvery action has an icon, such as a "plus-sign" for the "new" action
181,012360log-prettyProvides intuitive methods for outputting ANSI escaped content to the terminal
181,012360thermite-ruby3-fork-dont-useA Rake-based helper for building and distributing Rust-based Ruby extensions
181,012360coalescerEnables coalesce chaining values
181,012360active_storage_bunnyActiveStorageBunny is a gem that integrates BunnyCDN storage services with Active Storage.
181,012360raytheonHello World
181,012360arithA gem providing the four basic arithmetic operations
181,012360bddsmHard Testing Framework. Multi-paradigm spec/feature/xunit-agnostic syntax support.