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Most downloads over all time
181001-181020 of all 183,147 gems.
180,999436parity_nessA gem to partition an array of integers based on parity
180,999436fit_kitGarmin fit file parser wrapping Rust crate fitparse_rs.
180,999436gemstructA private gem and gem caching server, with support for SSO.
180,999436maos_rbA Ruby client library for interacting with the MAOS API
180,999436fk_prometheus_commonWrite a short summary, because RubyGems requires one.
181,006435illustria-redirectorA package for handling HTTP requests
181,006435cucumber-zephyrCucumber formatter for Zephyr
181,006435germinatorRails allows incremental database migrations, but only provides a single seed file (non...
181,006435secret_authSecurity Auth usng devise
181,006435rust_to_dtrRust to DTR translator (Digicus Textual Representation).
181,006435fastlane-plugin-rustore_distributeRustore fastlane integration plugin
181,006435make-ruby-gemA gem to partition an array of integers based on parity
181,006435ontra-common-react-capybara-helpersHelpers for capybara tests to intereact and assert ontra-common-react components.
181,006435capistrano-cronCapistrano plugin to manage cron jobs created from the whenever gem
181,006435saphyrThe purpose of Saphyr is to provide a nice and simple DSL to easily and quickly design ...
181,016434emoji_clockemoji_clock is a gem that fetches emoji clock by given time. You can get emoji clock by...
181,016434asupak_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
181,016434swipe_copy_rightProvides generated html data for copy right rails application.
181,016434print_stepsPrints numbers to the console in a pyramid-like step pattern, where each step displays ...
181,020433r_o_vTree style Ruby object viewer (for the terminal)